What is a Magnetic Encoder?
A magnetic encoder refers to an encoder (linear or rotary) that uses magnetoresistive technology to detect the position, speed, or direction of a rotating shaft or linear motion. It has two main components: a magnetic ring and a sensor. The magnetic ring is attached to the rotating shaft or moving part, and the sensor is fixed to a stationary part of the machine. The sensor detects the change in polarity and emits a square wave signal.

How does a Magnetic Encoder work?
As the shaft rotates, the sensor measures the changes in the magnetic field as the magnet moves past it and converts this information into electrical signals that can be used by a control system to determine the position, speed, or direction of the shaft or motion.
Magnetic Encoder Uses & Applications
Magnetic encoders are often used in industrial applications, such as robotics, automation, and machine tools, as they can provide high accuracy and resolution, even in harsh environments. They are primarily used in heavy duty environments due to their resistance to dust, humidity and dirt.
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